Flights Of Strings And Beats

Imagine someone handed you a paintbrush and an empty canvas and said, “just go for it.” A thousand individual paints, all different colors and strokes, flying across the canvas. No rules, no boundaries, and no restrictions. Just the ultimate creative, transformative and genre-bending experience — that’s what Flights Of Strings And Beats sounds like. This trailblazing 16 track record comes from Liz Cirelli, electronic music artist, and Minski, renowned violinist. The title couldn’t be more fitting, as the album mentally and physically takes you on an 85-minute journey through the most colorful, captivating layers of classical and electronic music. Swimming in crisp beats and detailed violin, Flights Of Strings And Beats is a triumph, and the Cirelli-Minski collaboration is something to be treasured. The opening tracks, “Idamante,” and its seamless transition to “Back On The West Pier in 1933,” immediately intrigued me, and all I can think is where the hell has this been all my life? The introduction of Cirelli’s beats and Minski’s violin couldn’t be more exciting, and it feels like I’ve just booked a one-way ticket to the most magical and eccentric land. Track five, “Lost In Translation,” is a standout, and cuts right through you. With all its bops, crackles, and pops, my mind and body are transfixed and it feels like I’m floating amongst an explosion of color and everything good. “Beach Jeep,” and “Black Diamond Run,” (tracks nine and ten) are standouts as well, and represents authenticity at its finest. Captivating and trance-inducing, it’s reminiscent of a soundtrack suitable for some utopian world, where everything sounds a bit clearer, looks a bit brighter, and feels a hell of a lot better. While each track is special in its own right, track fourteen, “I Told You So,” is top shelf and an exceptional example of how well classical and electronic music can work together. Cirelli and Minski are the peak embodiment of creative freedom, and their collaboration efforts really shine here. The way they complement each other’s musicality is almost criminal, and their ability to successfully intertwine their unique musical styles is unmatched. As we wind down, the final track, “Wagner” closes the album and wraps it up in a neat little bow. The album is, quite literally, sounds for the soul, and is one of the most exciting and original releases to drop in a long time. Cirelli and Minski’s distinct styles are noteworthy on their own, but their collaborative talents are few and far in between and executed nearly flawlessly on every track. The 85 minutes of this beautiful album end too soon, and I’m already running to everyone I know and telling them to listen to this. There are certain things every person needs to experience at least once in their life, and this album is undoubtedly one of them. Don’t miss out.