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I’d like to talk about where our creativity comes from. I’m a spiritual person, so relate to the world in spiritual terms.
I believe our creativity is a gift to us from the Divine and that we’re all creative. But for some, their conditioning and resulting thought patterns have become so dense that they have totally lost touch with their inherent creative nature.
We were created – so it makes sense that we have the ability to create inherent within us. We can create physically, in that we can create new life. We can also create energetically and mentally – our thoughts are our creations. We create our reality by way of the thoughts we chose to entertain. We are all creators.
So – our ability to be creative is a gift from the Divine. It expresses itself through our creativity – and in doing so, rejoices. Simultaneously, in allowing the Divine to express itself through us, we are also giving it glory – and if we were all doing that, imagine how magical this world would be…the Divine intelligence that creates us, does after all, only want the best for us 🙂
But…just as the Divine rejoices in us expressing our creative gifts, so there is an opposing force doing its best to prevent us from expressing these gifts. It does this in different ways: it tries to convince us that we’re not creative at all, it paralyses us with fear – and it also corrupts our dreams and turns them into ego-based desires. This force wants to keep us trapped and disempowered – because it needs our energy in order to survive. Yes, vampires do exist – just perhaps not in the way they have been presented to us by Hollywood.
When I began looking at things this way, it changed everything for me. It made me more determined than ever to follow the call of my heart – to live out my role on this tiny pale blue dot we call Earth.
I’ll be talking about the fear thing in next week’s broadcast, but for this week, I wanted to hone-in on mistaking dreams that come from a place of pure passion, with desires that come from a place of ego.
The former is what we should all be concentrating on manifesting – this is what will enrich our lives and the lives of others. Some refer to it as a ‘life-purpose’. The latter must be recognised for what it is – a grasping for recognition because we are unable to fully appreciate ourselves. We are not here to manifest fast cars or fat bank accounts – if they result as a by-product of you pursuing your dream from a place of pure passion, great – but then remember it is your duty to be philanthropic with your blessings and use them to help others.
Music has always been my passion, but it used to be a very ego-driven thing. I wanted fame and fortune, but I didn’t want to work for it – and I got very angry and resentful when I didn’t get what I wanted.
I also used to very much follow ‘the path of least resistance’ theory, whereby if things seem a struggle, one should interpret it wasn’t meant to be. However, herein lies a dichotomy because we do need to work hard to turn our dreams into a reality.
It has been a struggle for me to follow my dream of doing music full time. I often felt like I was dragging a huge boulder up a never-ending hill and a lot of the time I questioned whether this was in fact ‘what I should be doing’ – because it was such a struggle.
But once I was able to drop the desires of the ego and follow my dream from a place of pure passion, magic started to happen. I started to work hard. Really hard. And willingly – joyfully even. The more I persisted, the more confident I became – not just creatively, but also as a human being. I felt more complete – I felt more of my true essence coming through – and with each step forward I took, doors opened.
I felt less fear. Not just surrounding my creativity, but generally. Long-standing health issues faded away and life began to take on an entirely new energy and feel.
So – if you feel called to do something, but it feels like a struggle to do it – my advice to you would be to go ahead and do it. Sacrifice whatever you need to in order to fulfil that desire, because the fulfilment of that desire will not only heal you on a physical level, but will also bring you amounts of happiness that are almost inconceivable.
In doing so, you are also sending out a tiny ripple of positive energy into the world and universe.
Our dreams were put inside us by a higher intelligence that knows what is best for all of us. It is our duty and our responsibility to follow our dreams, no matter how challenging the journey may be. And it is imperative that we do it from a place of pure passion.
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Commendable it is to contemplate divine and speak a humanity that connects to us all. Reality’s daydream is creativity of now.
We find the human spirit within. Through the physical we access the spiritual and beyond. Dynamic tension. Raw matter is the fuel to power dreams. Some things doing, are worth doing properly.
There is not one without the other.
We all need to grow spiritually. Hug tree of life to find the root of any problem.
When you connect to Divine in the right way, imagine true gift to be cornucopia. Sometimes a particular way may not yield fruit. Be then brave as Prometheus did, when bestowing fire upon mankind. The best way to remove ego is to do something for others and not expect anything in return. Ego based desires are driven by a base instinct of falsehood. Artificiality is the new reality. A mirror can reflect negative energy if our emotional state is not where it should be. To look at soul mirror through ego is symptomatic of the age we live in: narcissism.
How can we humble ourselves before God if we are full of ourselves? An overflowing glass of Ego. Humility allows the light to pour in, impurities are emptied from our system. Health is wealth if we are filled with the right stuff.
To make peace amongst each other, we need to forge real communication on the ground level and not through the satellites of news agencies transmitting ‘agendas.’
Vampiric entities do exist – undeniable. They are attracted to energetic Lightworkers. The same way a moth to lightbulb.
Important it is to protect ourselves and become greater souls. To be magnanimous.
In religious iconography in art throughout the ages, why were saints depicted wearing crowns of light as halos? Our thoughts are creative energy. We can influence our energy field through brain waves that manifest as auras.
We look up and see celestial bodies display the ‘atmospheric phenomenon’ around sun and moon. We marvel at auroras.
Nature is sublime in the divine.
Glory is heaven as it is on earth.
‘As above, so below,’ the ancients believed. Two swans are seen for image of creativity. The subterranean swan a reflection of soul mirror.
Water the element for astral realm, if how we feel determines what we do. Perhaps emotion is stronger than thought. Imagination more powerful than knowledge (Einstein).
The swan (a symbol of spiritual growth) is transmutation at its finest. The metamorphosis of swan? The same as butterfly emerging from chrysalis.
To relate to Sisyphean of ‘dragging huge boulder up never ending hill.’
There is also ‘path of least resistance’, of not doing enough, to get you where you need to be. When there is a ‘palpable discord’ of two opposing spheres seeking dominance over the other. Disharmony ensues. A schism of self.
Resigned to ones fate. The defeatism of ‘oh it wasn’t meant to be.’ The shades of fate, a fatalistic attitude of believing in bad luck.
The nature of conflict within our inner being is similar to ‘an immovable object meeting an unstoppable force.’ Something has to give. So through persistence we raise our spirits, if a task we seek is the labour of love.
To show some heart. The heavy burden of Sisyphean task can be made less so, if water channels time as persistence. Transformation. The great Roman poet Ovid once said:
“Gutta cavat lapidem, non vi, sed saepe cadendo. – A drop of water hollows a stone, not by force, but by continuously dripping”
Metamorphoses, or the Golden Ass by Apuleius contains the wonderful story of Cupid and Psyche. Allegorical read, it becomes ‘symbolic story, for the struggle of the human soul to reach internal bliss.’ To go deep in metaphor of Psyche, encountering trials and tribulations in Underworld. A hell of our own making. We control our karma. We shape the fates.
To triumph is to overcome demons of ‘ego based desires.’ The journey to a place of ‘pure passion’ gives birth to creativity. The mystical union of Cupid and Psyche is voluptas meaning ‘pleasure or delight.’ Passion as pleasure are synonymous, as one nourishes the other. Definition of pleasure doing something that you love. Music to ones ears. “The quieter you become, the more you can hear.”
The call to higher purpose is a song for the Universe. Rejoice through the Godhead of passionate demonstrations.
A symbiosis of harmony. Divine intelligence is balance.
Balance in nature; be it shine from the rain to illuminate as rainbows. Creativity- the unity of opposites to create something new.
Transmission of a truth to reflect the past as knew.
I LOVE this comment Adrian! Thank you so, so much for taking the time out to post this. What beautiful, poetic and insightful words. Thank you for sharing this with us! x