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I find myself reflecting and contemplating a lot – especially when I’m travelling. For the last two months I’ve been in California – I came out here to attend a music production and licensing retreat hosted by my music production mentor, Gary Gray. When I booked my ticket, I booked it with the intention of going on a ‘music mission’.
I hadn’t really given much thought to the details of how that mission would unfold, but one thing was clear – I wanted the trip to be all about the music – and I wanted to stay out in California long enough to build long-lasting connections and relationships.
Let me backtrack to just before I committed to come out here. I had a little money come my way which meant that for the first time in 10 years, I was able to put something into a savings account. When Gary told me about his retreat, I wanted to go, but the fear of financial lack arose within me like a hungry snarling dog.
I use the analogy of a snarling dog, as that’s what it felt like. The ferocity of this fear was so strong that it almost totally blotted out my desire to go, to follow my heart. I say almost because an instant after I felt the ferocity of this fear, another sensation swooped over me – and this sensation spoke to me louder than the fear. It said: “you have to make this journey, Liz.” I knew this was the voice I had to listen to, not the voice of fear. The snarling dog had to be put in its place.
Despite knowing deep down that I had to say yes to the retreat and to coming to California, I still felt the fear inside me. I had more money than usual, yes – but in practice, not enough to sustain a longterm trip to the States. I didn’t know how this would work, but I knew I had to take the leap of faith.
So I did. I booked myself a one-way ticket to LA, trusting that Lady Luck would support me. Remember what I said earlier about my intention to make the trip a music mission? For it to be all about the music but that I hadn’t really given much thought to the details of how that mission would unfold?
Well, being out here and letting go of my need to be in constant control has been like me diving head first into a cornucopia. Me deliberately taking a step back and not having everything planned down to the finest detail meant that I allowed vital space for Providence to sweep in. On a practical level, I met people – who were initially complete strangers – who welcomed me into their homes and not only offered me a place to stay, but also really looked after me. These people have subsequently become very dear and special friends. Bob – I cannot thank you enough for everything!
On an artistic level, I have met some incredible people who have inspired me and helped me re-focus and redefine my goals as a music artist. New collaborations have been formed and new and very long-lasting connections have been made. I feel like my creative juices have been given a shot of turbo-powered superfood. I’m so excited for what the future holds.
I consider having goals extremely important in any endeavour, but especially when it comes to having a successful career as a creative. At the same time, I consider it important to be flexible with how those goals are achieved, and to also constantly learn and grow along the journey, redefining your goals as you go.
The people I have met, collaborated with and connected with here have reminded me of what inspires me and what my natural gifts are. This has helped me redefine my goals in accordance with what I believe to be my life’s purpose – the call of my higher self rather than the call of my ego.
Of course this means working with music, continuing my own career as a music artist, but doing it from a place of deep connection with my community (if you’re reading this email, it means you’re a part of that!) and working in a way that ultimately inspires other people to follow their dreams. I love seeing people happy, so I want to work in a way that will enable me to help more and more people along the way. I would love to eventually contribute to institutions (or set up my own!) that help children from troubled families follow their dreams of working in the music industry.
I would not have learned the lessons I’ve learned, become clearer on my goals, nor made the beautiful connections I’ve made had I not taken that leap of faith and listened to the voice of my heart over the voice of fear. Your heart will often tell you to do things that may seem crazy to you. You must listen to it. This the voice of wisdom talking to you – the voice that guides you to realise your life’s purpose.
Have the courage to take leaps of faith – it is only when we leap that we discover we’ve had wings all along.
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Courage is not always rewarded, but I am so pleased your trip has worked out. Don’t forget to come home. It’s easy to go native, after a few months.
I believe it is, but the extent to which it is rewarded is very much dependent on where the person is at along their life’s journey. Better to have tried to run and taken a fall than to never have experienced what it feels like to run 🙂 And yes, fear not – I will come home soon!
Wow, again a very encouraging, wonderful blog! Especially I like the comparison to the hungry snarling dog! I can literally see and hear it…
Thank you so much lovely lady! So happy you got so much out of it 🙂 Yes I know – the snarling dog is very vivid huh?!
Comment: Past lives revial all the people we are and can be. I sometimes write a dialog on my FB page where I have the adult me talk to the child me all of our inner selves need each other, They comprise who we are. Kathy and I are planning another road trip back east in September, and I’m dying to get to Europe. That’s a big one! There are just thigns and people i want to see. LIz I want you to know that your leep opened lots of doors for me. I’m colaborating wit Mark Williams and Matthew Staples. I pushed myself on Cubase and that’s coming right along. I’m a wild child full of wants, needs and mad rainbow chasing energy. It changed my life to meet you at Gary’s, without anyone seeing it I slipped you into my pocket and took you home. I mean the big you, it’s a big rainbow running onto another Dreamer. When I did she opened up a door and said look in here. Oh wow look a whole world full rainbow chasers! Liz I don’t know if things happen for a reason or not,some people think so. I find that life is a daily wheel of choices, learn to make the right ones and you will touch the sky. You did it sweet girl! You made the right choice and all of us “Dreamers” lives are richer for it. I’ve learned how mushy I am about women in the last few years, I love my sister/daughter people. Sometimes I long to see your face, I know that we’ve talked about shairing a dream with each other I hope that happens. If it doesn’t I wont morn, I can’t. Your leap of faith has already made some of my small dreams come true. I honestly belive the big ones are right behind. It’s 3:30 AM here, my wife is back east and I’m maybe being overly sentemental, I have a tendance to do that. But I swear to god Liz I want you to stop and see what your leap of faith has done, not just for me but for all of us who’ve spent a lifetime wondering why we don’t fit in and then suddenly because of one beautiful butterfly who made the choice to get on a plan to L.A. all of us have each other and a community. You, Gary and Aaron are all what I’ve longed for, talented people who want to see others succeed. Mary Lyod and Tara Handa are two of my students Mary works and sings and makes music in Nashville and Tara gigs all over Social. My student Devon is on tour with Kati Perry. My student Eric is in a workingband called 32 Below. and the last guitar student I ever taught works and gigs with the like of blues legend Budy Guy. I’m deeply proud of all of them, so I undrstand having creative children. The Dreamers are “your” creative family your brother and sisters your wild rainbow chasing children. You once said you wern’t here to mollycoddle anyone, my ass! We need you, in the same sense that a number of weeks ago Tara wrote me and said can you help me? I’ve been reaching out to her and giving her what I can, there isn’t much I wouldn’t do for her. So all my past lives converged, and here I am reaching out to you through the thing I love the most, writing. I’m working on a brand new blog and finishing three projects. So here I am quoting Leon Russell again “I love you in a place where there’s no space or time, I love you for my life you are a friend of mine, and when my life is over,remember when we were together we were dreamers and we are singing are song for you.” OK I rewrote the end a little, but that’s how it feels. Hmmm well I could have just said Thank you Liz! But I love to write and I’m way to much of a Tin man to just ignore my heart. RK
Ron! Thank you SO much for your beautiful words! You have no idea how much this all means to me. Creating community, connecting people – and most of all, inspiring people to follow their dreams is what I live for. Yes, I love making music, but for me, that’s simply a way of connecting people – of forming community and connection. Knowing that me acting on a whim, on following my intuition, has changed the life of at least one person, makes my heart sing. Knowing that I’ve changed the lives of a group of people makes me so happy I almost burst. I do believe everything happens for a reason – and that’s why whenever my gut tells me to do something, I do it! For so long I ignored it, too scared to act upon what it was telling me to do – and my life lacked magic. I felt depressed, felt like there was so much more I was meant to be doing…and now I’ve started doing it! Who knows where this crazy ride will go? But one thing is for sure…I’m on it now – and I fully intend to ride it all the way!